Blossoming & Becoming- A Choice Point in Higher Thought
It always amazes me how much effort it takes to sprout new growth in the springtime. The bud on each plant lays waiting to explode into beautiful color and fragrance with such immense pressure. And then- one day- it happens. Springtime in bloom!
We, too, can have times of immense pressure in our lives- collectively and personally. Times when, as we “emerge” into different states of our own selves, we can feel challenged.
These pressure cycles can feel tiring. Like the weight of the world is on our shoulders. But it is these dense moments of latency where every molecule in our being is working on generating new growth and where all our infinite potentiality is born.
And, if we honor these very natural cycles of emerging- life’s natural flow can feel more like a blessing than a curse. Also- if we help aide in the process with our conscious intention and congruent action- the weight and pressure can feel less dense and we have the soul propulsion to move where we want to be going.
Every seed is sprouted from a process- like a ritual of self discovery. But the mastery of our own becoming through this natural process of emergence is also about remembering our CHOICE points. For instance, when faced with change, we can either fight and resist the natural cycle of evolution OR we can allow the natural flow of expansion available to us all. We can also either feel ourselves into a victim mindset of feeling out of control OR we can remember our own ability to attune to our own highest destiny of our becoming.
Creating positive change in the world or in ourselves requires a resiliency of action- conscious right action. If we are to birth and sprout into a new becoming- we, too, have to become a willing participant in this growth.
This process includes choosing life-affirming thoughts about ourselves and the world and leaning into the very necessary change of becoming. But it is also about honoring our own hearts honestly through the process- including the natural grieving process as old parts of self slough away.
Our continual remembering that we have a choice in our becoming, sets us on the course of our best choosing. This could include letting love win over fear in our lives, or giving our intuition a voice rather than our egoic mental patterns.
From this landscape of living FREELY and consicously, we discover joyfully that life isn’t happening TO US but happening FOR US. And from there, we can see we how many more choices we have than we even imagined.
Keep your eyes on the beautiful blossoms of your own heart unfolding today- emerge, EMERGE, emerge in the brightest way you can. Happy springtime blooms!!