Deep Waters of Emotion: Honoring the West
I've been writing a lot about cycles these days- honoring the cycles of life. I think that is because getting close to entering into my 53rd year around the sun, in the Lakota tradition, I just completed my first “eldership” year.
I’ve been learning a lot. And visiting here in the majestic lush landscape of Scotland this week has taught me even more.
The truth is, there are cycles within our lives constantly. And the cycle of the West (or the setting sun) is the cycle of the Water, the moon, the dreamtime- the death and decay which rises into the final phase of our lives in the North.
Like many people, I can be drawn to shiny new things and momentum and energy and growth, but in this continual rebirth cycle of energy, what can get lost is the honoring of the deep well of the west.
Being surrounded by long forgotten castles and relics of battles and stone circles of time long ago this week, has been a remembrance for me of how quick our physical life really is and how essential it is for us to know and feel into our one true essence while we are here- including taking the time to deepen into ourselves and our knowing.
For me- this takes a retreat to stop, listen and feel and deepen. Retreat with ourselves, retreat with our own deep breath, retreat in community. Quite honestly, avoiding the depth of our waters will only lead to us feeling burnt out and tired or even depressed as the cycle will relentlessly work to finds its own way to be honored.
To allow the depths of our internal waters to flow- we must unplug, deepen and go inside. Taking deep dives within ourselves to be WITH our feelings is not always easy. But I have seen again and again, how much easier it is when we have a witness of support or a community of people that can grieve alongside us.
This is where our deep connection to ourselves in Breathwork Groups or Sessions offers sweet relief and comfort- not to put on a happy face, but to be with the very real changes or movement that is happening in the moment with honest clarity and compassion. These sacred spaces offer a chance to be with the full depth of raw feeling and emotion. Our own breath takes us there- to our edges and into the watery depths. And through this portal we can make peace with the dying edges in a supported way.
Today, as I sit amongst the deep green landscape and still countryside and tune into my own most important prayer for life at this time, I remember what I etched into the inside of my drum pictured here- “May the people live and live in peace and in balance on this Earth forevermore.” This is my own hearts longing and guides me in every step that I make and every offering that I calls me.
It guides my every move, and supports my own breath to keep opening. If you’ve been feeling out of sorts or lost these days and noticing an underlying emotion that’s just underneath the surface that needs your attention- I invite you to deepen with me into this landscape of your own knowing with your breath. Join me and others in finding your balance and peace with yourself and your own precious cycle of life.
There are others here waiting to breathe with you, and I’m here ready to support your process- whether your grieving the loss of a loved one, or honoring a deep phase of your own life’s journey- the BREATH offers a respite to connect to the deep sanctuary of your own listening.
May the watery nature of your soul know it is held and can let go. And may you remember always that when the dark sky has settled deep into the night, the sun will rise again. In peace and light and honoring once again of cycles!