Getting Unstuck- A Guidepost to Shifting a Negative Thought Loop
Being derailed by our own ego looks something like having a negative thought spiral loop with messages like “I can’t do it, it’s too much, etc.…”
When we are stuck in our negative thought loops, it can feel impossible for us to garner any momentum forward. These inhibited mental states are only for the warrior at heart for it is truly a fierce battle to rise above this diminishing internal language and instead choose life-affirming action. The truth is- when we’re stuck in a negative thought loop, our ego does not really want us to take action.
Instead this aspect of our self wants us to stay the same- in a way stuck and frozen in time to prevent any change/any growth. One would say- that in essence this part of ourselves is our protector trying to ensure the best results by not trying any result at all.
The prolonged looping of a negative thought spiral can make us feel depressed, low energy, confused and lost. I’ve known this place many times before in my life and it is not a comfortable place to be.
I think that, in essence, this is what first drew me to more contemplative practices of the East including trying my first Breathwork Session in 1994- was to find a doorway into connecting to joy again.
We all have innate joyful connection inside us and this is one reason why I absolutely love Breathwork. Because without having to use a mental construct to find our way back to our own safe inner haven of peace and joy, we instead get to just focus on the simple properties of our breathing until we feel alive, awakened, illuminated, held, connected. This is what I love about a guided Breathwork Session as when its facilitated in a soulful deep intentional way at it is literally like a homecoming to our best self.
To maintain that spacious awareness and momentum towards life is a practice. The ego relinquishing is not for the faint of heart. But I believe, and I have seen and experienced, that through our deliberate turning towards our best selves, our best selves grows exponentially. In honor and appreciation of all that is possible within us. Deep bow.
Tips to Get Unstuck-
First- repeat in your mind, thank you. Thank you to the protectors who’ve been working so hard to take care of you. Thank you to these defense patterns in your life that might have served you well at times when you needed them. Even though they are off the rails now thank these parts of yourself.
Second- offer compassion to yourself. Are there reasons why this particular feedback loop is happening right now? Perhaps get curious- 3-5 have you been really busy lately, have you not had any alone time/connect to nature, have you been sick/traveling/been home for the holidays, etc.. Identify perhaps the why you might be feeling this way which can then help us find greater compassion towards ourself in a healthy way.
Third- is to do one thing- choose one thing. And do it. This action helps disrupt the monkey mind loop pattern and gets us on the right side of ourselves. Whatever it is- CHOOSE ONE THING AND DO IT.
Fourth- Write down your thoughts- get them on paper! Seeing our thoughts and literally giving them a place to rest provides an greater spaciousness from the thoughts- so we can be the observer rather than being bullied internally.
Fifth- FOCUS on your breathing. Our breath brings us INTO THE PRESENT MOMENT, into the BODY, and gives us one practical focus point. There are many simplified conscious breathing practice you can try at home- or followup with a guided Breathwork Session. But finding your own simple breath HERE and NOW is a doorway in to the empowered YOU.