Stillness as a Practice- Winter Solstice Blessings
Finding stillness at a busy time of year takes deliberate action. Like staring at a candle flame in the midst of a meditation. Stillness is a focal point that requires extra attention when everything around us is speeding up. In our society we don’t often recognize the value of stillness. Many years ago in my own quest for finding balance I had the honor and privilege of participating in a number of vision quests guided by two of my favorite teachers. The practice was a great lesson in the value of being still and what I’ve come to find since then is a great awareness when I’ve lost a balance way.
In any given day, we have many aspects to our own activity and our own cycles of breath. We begin with the inhale- the initiation- the starting place for activity; followed by the very top of the inhale- the expanded awareness of momentum and abundance. Following is the exhale- the giving over and surrendering and slowing down our actions; followed by the sacred pause at the bottom of our breath which honors the place of complete and utter quiet and stillness.
From the bottom- all things grow again in due time. Unless we find ourselves rushing through this essential step only to grasp onto one more breath, one more activity...
For myself, I let myself get in my own way a few months ago spiraling into over-activity. Finding the balance point required a period of rest and quiet which looked more like when we put our phone on silent mode. As things have balanced out, the sacred silence is now more accessible. And even as I write this newsletter today I am still ushering in this important this balance point.
In fact, as I look out the window in this moment, I am inspired by the natural world teachings, I see how the trees are bare, the ground is still and even the sun hangs in the sky in its own sacred pause.
We all need to remember the sacred dance of the exhale. And yet- to instruct or guide ourselves toward more stillness is somewhat as an oxymoron as in guiding or instructing ourselves toward any action is the opposite of inaction. But it only takes a moment to breathe and to remember.
A moment of softness in our belly, in our seat, in the soft pads of our feet. It only takes a moment to remember to soften the side concerns of our eyes or heart. And while it can be true that stillness can sometimes lead us to a more contracted, holding, even hiding space—in my experience when we come to it from a place of balance and honor this passage, the deep sacred well that is available to us all in the deep stillness is always held right pacing and right timing.
The question is- can we wait long enough at the bottom of the breath until we actually and genuinely feel inspired to move forward into the next round of activity. We can actually begin to notice for ourself- where are our thoughts/thinking when we’re in the still/resting place? Where is our attention? Can we intend to center and focus on the candle flame in meditation, enjoy the sunlight on our skin or watch the last remaining beech leaves dance in the sun rather than scrolling incessantly through social media platforms- drawing us away from the very real precious moment?
As we all begin the long long exhale of remembering heading towards Winter Solstice, it would be a radical feat for us all to champion ourselves for being quiet. For having no words to share, no tips to offer, no planning or action needed. But instead to drop fully and utterly into allowing the sacred dance of life to seep in to our very being. May it be so for us all- even just 5% more in this moment.
In honor and peace of a resting place at the bottom of the breath. In deep trust and love- Tania